Cycle Sync your sessions at Fixxed!

By: Kenzie Radigan Gugino

When it comes to the four phases of the menstrual cycle - our bodies are constantly changing and shifting depending on the dominant hormone in each phase. The cool thing about being a cyclical body is knowing that we are not the same every day and we get to give our body what it needs day to day, phase to phase. Let me introduce myself: I’m Kenz: Fertility Educator and Postpartum Doula, here to describe each phase of the menstrual cycle and share my favorite recovery techniques for each phase! If you are looking for a fun and unique way to connect to your menstrual cycle and help your body recover - read on. 

The Menstrual Phase consists of the first 3-7 days of your entire cycle. Yep, you read that right. Keep in mind: your cycle is the entire picture: 26-35 days, made up of the four phases. If you are on hormonal birth control or pregnant - you do not experience these phases, simply because you are not experiencing the dominant hormones that make up each phase. If you are off hormonal birth control, trying to conceive or postpartum, these tips will help you connect with your entire menstrual cycle. The first day of your cycle is when your period arrives. It is important to rest during this phase so that your body can completely recover and do what it needs to do. If you get cramps or pain, assisted stretching at Fixxed would be super nourishing. 

The Follicular Phase is for the next 7-10 days, when energy begins to rise and you start to approach ovulation. During this time, you may feel more open to physical activity and crave vibrant foods like citrus or fresh veggies. One of my personal favorite ways to recover in this phase is to receive cupping at Fixxed. Not only does it release any lingering tension from my period - it also opens up my body and helps me feel grounded and ready for the next phase. 

Ovulation is the midpoint of the cycle and probably the most important phase of them all. The Ovulatory Phase is characterized by estrogen as the dominant hormone and many people describe feeling superhuman during this phase. The body is very receptive and open during the ovulatory phase. Trying something new at Fixxed or attending a physical therapy session may support the body’s recovery. When it comes to a balanced cycle - a healthy and strong ovulation will support a pain-free period. Setting yourself up for healing and recovery during each phase will also support balance in your entire cycle. Now, you can only ovulate once each cycle and the window is quite short. Certainly not as long as the next and final phase of your cycle.

The Luteal Phase - the final 10-14 days of the cycle, where some people start to slow down, go inward and get into a comfy rhythm. While this is the part of the cycle where people typically report symptoms of “PMS” (mood swings, pain, skin flare ups and more) - you can support yourself with various recovery techniques to help make this phase more easeful. I always recommend extra rest and slowing down during this phase to my clients. While there is a lot of energy in the beginning of the cycle (Follicular and Ovulatory phases) we cannot always go at 100 mph. Support your recovery even further with dry needling or assisted stretching again at Fixxed. Personally, I get upper back tension during my Luteal phase and have used dry needling as a way to release that.

Now that you have a run down of the four phases, take a moment to set your goal for your upcoming cycle. Which phase is the most challenging for you? Which phase do you feel your best? Which phase do you want to focus more on your recovery and healing? There is no right or wrong answer! This is the beauty of cycle syncing and menstrual cycle awareness - you get to set goals for yourself each cycle. Remember, things are always changing when it comes to hormones. We get to decide how we want to show up for ourselves. Fixxed can help! It is important to create a team around you to support your healing - so you can thrive!

~ Kenzie

Author Bio: Kenzie Radigan Gugino is a FEMM Certified Fertility Educator & DONA trained Postpartum Doula with a Masters Degree in Education. She supports all people on the reproductive continuum and has a passion for creating empowering workshops for those curious about charting the menstrual cycle. If you want to learn more about your cycle, how to use the fertility awareness method to understand your hormones or how to have a blissful postpartum check out her website


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